
Questions and answers

Questions about Badgemachines

1. I can't connect the front and back of the Badge together?

It is important to secure the machine, for example on a board or table (regardless of the type of Badge machine);

With the Micro Badge machine, the printing plate must be pressed entirely into the gray or chrome ring. The die must also be pressed down entirely;

With the Mini / Maxi and Mega Badge machine, the die at the right must be pressed down entirely.

With the Badge machines 45 mm / 56 mm, a metal ring (or plastic ring with the older Badge machines) must be present in the die where the rear side is placed.

2. When making the 75 mm button I am unable to attach the front and back to each other?

See the statement under point 1;

In addition, with the 75 mm button it is important to press the back with pin well into the die, do not put it in loose.

Questions about Buttons with your own design

1. After I have uploaded the image I only see a part of the image?

You are probably using an 'older' browser, such as Internet Explorer.

These older browsers are, due security of your data, not supported by us.

We ask you to use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, etc ..

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